Saturday, January 19, 2008

Moby Dick Led Zep Lesson

I'm not gonna lie. We're on a bit of a roll here and have been turning out the lessons at a feverish pace. More work for us=more lessons for you. Here is "Moby Dick". This song is known to most zeppelinites for its amazing drum solo by one John Bonham. However, the guitar riff begs to not be overlooked. It's quite catchy. Note that the lowest string,E, is now tuned down to a D. This lowers the note by one full step. Pay attention to that detail as it is essential to playing the song correctly. A lot of bands used the "Drop D" tuning for a heavier effect. Nirvana, Neil Young, Tool, to name but a few. When the string is lower, it produces a longer wavelenghth so it sounds a bit heavier. Word, Good Luck!

1 comment:

Michael's Eye said...

How'd you get so talented?